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Zakat Facts

Zakat Facts

The current time has come across as a time of crisis for many nations across the globe. And before you assume that this crisis refers to natural calamities, be informed otherwise. The world is witnessing turbulent times with many nations at loggerheads with each other, the driving factor being the dominance over resources and land. Take for instance, Palestine. The war-like situation in Palestine has reduced many families to the status of refugees in their land. Since it is humans suffering at the hands of fellow humans, it should be the duty of peace-seeking and philanthropic human beings to come forward to the aid and rescue families torn apart because of war and strife. 

One of the best ways to contribute towards the betterment of Palestinian refugee families is to donate Zakat. Before you start viewing it from a purely religious perspective, consider the following Zakat facts:

Zakat; Facts, rules, and conditions

Here are some Zakat facts that everyone must know. The word Zakat comes from the Arabic root “z-k-w”, which implies development or purification and is considered worship in Islam. In fact, Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, namely shahada, salat, zakat, sawm, and hajj. To purify their wealth and also aid others, Muslims must pay Zakat. However, to be eligible to pay Zakat, some criteria, i.e., Zakat rules or Zakat conditions must be met. Muslim donors must observe Zakat requirements. These rules assist delivering Zakat fairly and effectively to the needy.

  1. Muslims must give Zakat. However, for non-Muslims, Zakat is optional.
  2. Zakat donors must be adults, i.e., they should have attained puberty. For children, Zakat is optional.
  3. Zakat donors must be unenslaved. Slaves are not required to pay Zakat.
  4. Zakat donors must possess a minimum level of wealth known as Nisab. To calculate the total Nisab, different assets, such as gold, silver, etc., have different calculations.
  5. Muslims follow the Islamic lunar calendar, and Zakat is calculated annually according to their lunar calendar. The lunar year ends with Zakat for Muslims.
  6. Zakat-due wealth must be owned for one lunar year. Zakat is not owed if wealth is not owned all year.
  7. Zakat is owed on cash, gold, silver, stocks, bonds, property, and business inventory.
  8. Some deductions are also permitted on Zakat. Debts and expenses can be subtracted from wealth before computing Zakat.
  9. Zakat rates vary by wealth group. Zakat for gold and silver is 2.5% of the entire value, while for cash, it is 2.5%.
  10. The recipients of Zakat can only be the Poor, needy, destitute, and financially distressed people.

The final word

The foundations of the concept of Zakat lie in the tenets of righteousness, goodness, and justice. As a means to protect the poor and restore balance within society, all eligible Muslims must pay Zakat. The immoral and sinful acts, most of which stem from the evil of greed, may be replaced and compensated for with goodness and justice by paying Zakat.

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