Top 20 Mistakes during Basketball Training You Need to Know

As a starting or intermediate basketball player who has taken the sport more seriously, you are most likely practicing basketball shooting drills often and intensely. But you are unlikely to have access to a coach who can help you fine-tune your approach. Suppose you don’t know what to look for. In that case, you can repeat the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. (By the way, this is the definition of insanity.) To prevent you from reaching a plateau in your practice, we’ve identified twenty typical errors that may hold you back, as well as strategies for avoiding them.
1. Quitting when things get tough
We’ve been there ourselves. Some days simply don’t turn out the way you want them to. While you’re weary and not feeling sharp, your jump shot isn’t dropping, and your handles aren’t as tight as they typically are. If your approach is to just shut down for the day, how do you expect your performance to improve? When the going gets rough, real competitors push themselves even harder and never give up their fight.
2. Casual shooting
That this happens so often is arguably our biggest pet peeve for individual shooting drills basketball. Players who spend a half-hour shooting aimlessly with no aim and no regularity do not progress in their development. In many circumstances, people adopt harmful behaviours that might deteriorate their overall condition. When shooting, you may always keep these three Cs in mind to prevent engaging in a casual shooting.
3. No consistency
It’s a good idea to get your week started with a terrific exercise on Monday. However, it is necessary to create consistency to observe significant progress. Take steps every day to improve yourself and become a better version of who you were the day before. Every day is a 1% improvement.
4. Spending more time talking/Twitter-ing than training
One of the primary reasons many players spend so much time on the court is because they’re preoccupied with “Tweeting” or “Instagramming” their exercise in order to show that they’re exerting significant effort. As much as we appreciate the need for speedy posts, players who complete a brief training and then immediately go to their phones for 15 minutes before beginning the following drill are unacceptable. When you show your hard effort on the court during game time, everyone will know what sort of person you are.
5. Working significantly on dunking (or trying to dunk)
Work on finishing techniques is encouraged, but the time spent attempting to dunk should be better spent on other meaningful skill development. Be careful not to be the player who can slam dunks into the hoop but lacks a functional jump shot, handling, or any other important basketball skill set.
6. Taking no warm-up shots
The sight of players walking onto the floor, grabbing the ball, and immediately dunking long three-pointers is one of our pet peeves. Start from the inside out. Even the finest players in the world begin their games well beneath the hoop and eventually make their way back up to the rim and beyond.
7. Not training in an athletic stance
Everything you do should be done in an athletic posture, similar to how you would train at game pace. Observing athletes “attack” the hoop while hardly going low or doing ball-handling exercises while standing straight up is challenging to see. Get acclimated to playing low and in a stance by practicing with a low stance.
8. Not diversifying your workout
Catch-and-shoot shots are excellent for warming up and getting into a solid rhythm before a game or practice. It’s fantastic if you can rack up 500 shots in a single exercise. The problem is that if they’re all jump shots, you’re training yourself to be one-dimensional on the court. Pull-ups, finishing moves, and off-the-cuff shots should all be practiced at the same time. Game shots, game locations, and game pace are all essential factors in a competitive environment.
9. Not being coachable
Be careful not to overestimate your knowledge. Pay attention to the advice of your coach and put it into action. Players that don’t want to be trained or believe they’re wiser than their coach annoy me.
10. Not having a plan
When you go to the gym, just like when you have a goal, you should have a strategy in mind. For today’s improvement, what are your precise goals and plans of action? Preparation is key to a successful exercise. Make sure your workouts have a specific goal in mind.
11. Only working hard when others are watching
For the top athletes, there is no need for a coach or parental supervision. We’ve never been able to figure out why players would go into overdrive when a coach was around. Train like no one is watching you, even if you have to believe Coach K is right there next to you.
12. Not pushing to the fatigue factor
For instance, if you can make 100 free throws, that’s fantastic. However, the greatest way to train for game-like situations is to include tiredness in your training. Preparing for game-like situations is as vital as finding your rhythm when shooting free throws when you are not exhausted. You should practice free throws the same way you do in games, since that’s when you’re most likely to miss them.
13. Not tracking progress
Whether you don’t keep track of your development, how will you know if you’re making progress? You should set clear objectives for your exercise and then work hard to achieve them. As you observe your improvement, you’ll be more motivated to keep going.
14. Focusing on time in the gym instead of purpose and quality
Listening to players brag about how much time they spend working out in the gym irritates us to no end. This shows that they spend most of their time not working out. Invest in your training with a goal in mind. Just go in there, do your thing, and get out!
15. Practicing things you’ll never do in games
Observing players work on things that aren’t relevant to their game is always discouraging. An 80 percent paint shooter, for example, may concentrate on his 25-foot jumper, while a low-post point guard might focus on his hook shot.
16. Being afraid to make mistakes
Every time a player makes a mistake, we encourage them to keep going until they do. In order to improve, you must make errors. The more errors you make, the more likely you are to push yourself to the edge. That’s fantastic news!
17. Not training at game speed
To reiterate, shooting rhythm shots is an excellent way to strengthen your technique, but we despise seeing athletes rack up hundreds of shots and then claim that their session was a success. It’s time to train like you’re playing in the game!
18. Not catching ready to shoot
You should always be prepared for a catch shot. When players catch the ball and then begin their shooting action, it makes us squirm. There will be no time for this in a game, so don’t practice it this way!
19. No accountability
It’s critical to hold yourself and others responsible for their actions, whether that’s a coach, parent, teammate, or even just yourself. If you promised to shoot 500 shots a day but only made 200 yesterday, shoot 800 today. Good people have a perspective that distinguishes them from the great.
20. Not having a goal
As soon as they step foot in the gym, the top players know precisely what they want to accomplish there. Even if it’s only 15 minutes of deliberate ball-handling, the best players have a goal in mind before they begin their workday.
Be careful of these 20 common basketball training blunders if you’re coaching basketball shooting for young players. Almost every single one of these games makes a daily effort, although they have no notion they are breaking the rules. Don’t succumb to temptation. Train with a goal in mind and efficiency as a top priority!