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Mitsubishi previews Concepts for the Tokyo Motor Show

The Mi-Tech Concept is focused on driving pleasure and all-terrain capabilities. It is equipped with a downsized and light plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) drivetrain combining a gas turbine engine-generator and a 4-motor electric 4WD system, featuring  2-motors for both front and rear axles.

Mitsubishi Mi Tech Concept preview

Onboard technologies include a human machine interface (HMI) that projects a variety of information detected by using advanced optical sensing technology onto the AR windshield, plus the MI-PILOT driver assistance system which alerts the driver to potential collisions, and supports their operation of the steering wheel and brakes.

Mitsubishi Mi Tech Concept preview

The Super Height K-Wagon Concept features a SUV-like design and maximized living space in a compact K car package.

Mitsubishi Super Height K. Wagon Concept preview

It is equipped with the MI-PILOT assistance system which earns it the SAPO CAR (Safety Support Car) S Wide classification from the Japanese government.

Other vehicle on display will include the Engelberg Tourer crossover concept.

(Source: Mitsubishi)

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