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Article Linkbaiting Strategy – Deceptive Social Media Marketing In Action?

It is a fact that some people tend to misuse good opportunities in any field of human endeavor. On the subconscious level, the name “linkbaiting” may sound sneaky to some people or connote the use of “deceptive” tactics to quicky get web traffic to a marketing blog site, etc.. But then, it’s all a play on words or semantics because if you look at this definition in its purest form (the big picture), the objective is to provide long-term quality content to a niche audience.

I’ve brought up this issue because some Web users have this perceived image of “someone with a fishing rod and a fish bait at the end of a hook” trying to force-feed (or catch) and arm-twist
another person into accepting rehashed information or something for the purpose of getting backlinks. I’ve seen sentiments similar to these expressed on the Web and that’s why some so-called linkbait pieces never see the light of day or the originators of the linkbaits get banned (for real or perceived infractions) from forums or Web 2.0/Digg-style social media story submission sites!

Here in this article are just some of the red hot strategies or laser-guided tips you can easily use to enhance – and ensure that your linkbait article piece does not insult the sensibilities
of your discerning readers and potential readers, but takes you to the next business level. So, let’s get started, Right Here – Right Now! πŸ™‚

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #1: “Strike Force Content” – Longer-Term Outlook!

The primary theme of your article(s) should not be dependent on time or become stale in 1, 2 or 3 months – but should serve as main reference guides for many years down the road for the
existing and future readers of your Web sites, blogs or other related blogs that have linked to your article(s). The longer-term outlook here has to project a powerful effect!

My use of the term “Strike Force” simply refers to the “delivery system” for breaking down industry jargons or techie language in order to simplify topical issues for beginner and intermediate
online niche marketers – and also give experienced online entrepreneurs new perspectives on industry-related issues.

So, the linkbait piece will subsequently spur appreciative readers from a targeted niche audience to visit your Web sites and/or blogs to build up a relationship – leading to sales of
front-end and back-end products and services. This also has the ability of ensuring a buzz situation or rapid spread of your unique articles or content in the blogosphere, on the Internet and in offline publications. Like Michel Fortin will say “Narrow your focus to broaden your sales.”

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #2: Article Titles Or Headlines

The title or main headline is the first thing your reading audience will come across, and you have to deliver your messages in simple but effective ways. You have to ensure that your copywriting skills are well-honed with reference to the AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action) formula. Use trigger words or positive action words such as “New,” “Free,” “authentic,” “discount,” “unleashed” – and much more, to gain attention!

Your title has to progressively match the first few sentences of the introductory section of your article, otherwise the reader could get confused as a result of the short attention span that is encountered especially among Web surfers or the online reading audience if there’s a deviation from the real topic to off topic issues.

You’ve got to present unique observations – which could even be controversial in nature, give some current or freshly released research data that is not yet in the public domain – and which sheds more light on industry-related issues, and, much more creative ways exist that you can use to create unlimited unique content.

You can read more of my thoughts on the issues raised in Linkbaiting Strategy #2 in a series of articles on Article Marketing – entitled:

Article Marketing Surge Tactics – Top 6 Tips For Writing Persuasive Articles! Parts 1 and 2

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #3: Article Subtitles For Readibility

Subtitles help to focus the attention of your readers. Just like the reference I made in Article Linkbaiting Strategy #2, titles are crucial for drawing your audience into the introductory section of your article. I’ve seen very good articles posted on some blogs, forums, article directories and Web 2.0 or social news sites like Digg with the intention of providing resources for the reading audience. These had no subtitles – just paragraphs. Imagine the endless opportunities you can derive by just simply crafting 5, 6 or more subtitles, and then choosing the best one that will strike a cord with you and your potential readers.

The inference here is that your “strike force content articles” or linkbait piece(s) have to be sincere, while meeting the immediate, near/long-term needs and solutions of your niche market audience. The linkbait content should be the main drivers of a consistent Web site or blog traffic – consisting of unique visitors who will then generate a buzz by linking to your articles from their blogs or Web
sites – and you’ll get more page views per unique visitor on your online business sites as well.

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #4: Images And Online Video Presentations

It is a fact that most people are visual creatures – especially men. But many of us also respond to what we hear and feel! It is based on this well-known fact (based on researches going back to many decades ago), that the use of pictures, images and interactive online multimedia presentations can further enhance the quality of your linkbait article – but the images must tell a story as well. Having a high-resolution digital camera will come in handy here.

You can also get also images from Web sites like Flickr and have your free interactive Web or blog video presentation which is meant to engage all the human senses – to complement your unique linkbait content or articles. These have the added benefit of boosting your SEO strategies along with the profitable, high traffic niche keywords and keyword phrases in your articles.

Just A QUICK Note: Knowing full well that some images you’ll be using will not belong to you, YOU have to make sure that attributions are made or indicate the source(s) of the free photo images you’ll be using on your blogs for instance, since this is the standard global practice – just like published online and offline niche articles/books that have copyrights. I believe you may have also heard or read about well-crafted “Cease and Desist” emails or letters. πŸ™‚

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #5: Call Into Action – Right Now!

It’s a fact that if you don’t tell or let people know what to do NEXT after taking the initiative to digest the unique contents of your articles, then all you’ve done will lead to a pathetic result. It’s just like a man who winks at a stunningly beautiful lady he likes (or loves), engages in a two-way conversation withher (with all the visible body language communication) – then fails to make a follow-up or signify his real intentions to her. This would leave her hanging in the air with regards to his true intentions, until an “alpha male” who easily does the right thing comes along to pull the rug from under his feet! πŸ™‚ What a wasted opportunity this would be for the “winking” man.

That’s the way it is in online business and real-world business situations when readers of your linkbait content do not get a specific call into action in your articles, report summaries or “authors bio sections.” Another savvy online entrepreneur will simply appear on the scene like the “alpha male” in the short story above – and then take action by urging readers to use a plan or idea presented and make it work for themselves! This is a win-win situation ACTION plan!

Closing Thoughts

Whether you call it linkbaiting, pillar article, flagship content or “strike force content delivery system,” all online content publishers and article writers MUST keep in mind the guiding principles – that is the provision of good resources on your blogs and Web sites to ultimately build your credibility and brand in your target marketplace – as opposed to the hit-and-run writer of just one or two crappy articles who’s looking for quick inbound links to a site. This eventually insults the intelligence of the reading audience.

If you are an affiliate and Internet marketer, online publisher of eZines or newsletters, small business blogger, weight loss expert, health and fitness professional, provide information technology training and/or small Internet business consulting services – or belong to fields of human endeavour that require YOU to be in the frontline position of your niche market, then these 5 article linkbaiting strategies will come in handy in providing your readers with great resources – that are also entertaining – while building your reputation, boosting Search Engine position, higher PageRanks, strong backlinks from authoritative sites, creating spontaneous buzz in the online communities, and MUCH MORE. Literally your sales and profits will explode, at a lower cost – in record time.

So, last but not least, YOU have to get set for a renewed surge of linkbaiting energy, Right Here – Right NOW! “Oh… Where’s my hook? Hmm… I think I have to “hook up” with another one.” πŸ™‚

To Your Article Linkbaiting And Niche Online Business Success!


Copyright Β© 2007 G. Dekunle Adedipe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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