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8 Tips to Present Findings In Quantitative Psychology Dissertation

8 Tips to Present Findings In Quantitative Psychology Dissertation

Quantitative psychology provides useful knowledge for measuring human behaviours. It is a meaningful way to thrive in a data-driven world and contribute to research endeavours. Hence, writing a quantitative psychology dissertation will help students develop and evaluate novel psychology methodologies. 

Consequently, they can innovatively apply such methods to resolve psychology-related problems that impact society. However, writing dissertations is not everyone’s cup of tea. It can define your success or failure depending on what you have learned in academic years. Therefore, putting extra effort into the research phase is important to achieve excellence in the final stage of your degree.

One of the challenging parts of the dissertation is writing quantitative results after data analysis. It often requires a rigorous design and high expertise. This article will provide you with some tips so that writing the results chapter should not feel as challenging as it is. Keep reading till the end to state your findings without bias. 

How to Present Findings In Quantitative Psychology Dissertation? 8 Tips 

Have you completed your quantitative psychology research data analysis and are confused about how to compile the results? In the guide below, we will walk you through the results chapter step by step. There are multiple ways of writing this chapter, but the exact number varies from study to study. 

Generally, it is about the research aims and objectives of a research question. So, if it’s challenging to present your research findings clearly, then seek professional help and ask experts to ‘do my dissertation for a better presentation of results. 

Here are the useful steps that will help you craft this section with confidence. 

  • Restate your main research question. 
  • Write a short introduction to the results chapter. 
  • Take note of demographic factors. 
  • The infographics must be clear and properly titled. 
  • The information in the visuals should not be crowded or ambiguous. 
  • Know the key findings of your research. 
  • Don’t forget to provide the proper context of the findings. 
  • Test your hypothesis to make a comparison between two variables. 

Let’s discuss these quantitative forensic psychology dissertation ideas in detail to organise the presentation of your results logically and coherently. 

  1. Revisit Your Research Questions

The first step of presenting your quantitative psychology dissertation findings is to revisit the research question. Consider it like a driving force for writing your results. When you take note of the research question, you may decide which type of data you need to present here specifically. Although all findings are equally crucial, the results to be emphasised can be decided by considering the quantitative research question. 

At this stage, here are some useful tips to specifically analyse your findings concerning the main stance. 

  • Make a list of key findings that you want to address in the results chapter. 
  • List the specific pieces of analysis that address each point in the findings list. 
  • Make a rough outline about how to structure this chapter. 
  • Consider which statistical results should be presented and what should be in order. 
  • Take note if something is missing in the results that don’t address the research question query. 
  1. Write an Overview Introduction

Start writing the chapter on quantitative psychology dissertation results by providing a brief overview of what you are going to talk about. For instance, you can write that we will start presenting results by citing some demographic factors. This is how you can represent the result type before moving to actually presenting them. 

Remember, this chapter is the introduction of the results section, not the introduction of the topic. So, don’t make mistakes when writing what the thesis is about. Rather, explain how the results contribute to the significance of the project undertaken. 

This chapter should not be lengthy. You just write a paragraph or more to give a clue about the discussion. It is a good idea to write the research question in this part so that the reader can easily relate the results with the main stance. 

  1. Present Demographic Data 

In general, the demographic data provides a basic understanding of the communities to learn about their lifestyle. It can be used as a powerful tool to track the change over time. In writing quantitative psychology dissertation results, such data sets can be significant in making a plan or making decisions. 

In this regard, some of the noticeable demographic factors to be considered include,

  • What is the age range of the respondents? 
  • What is gender? 
  • What is the racial group? 
  • What is ethnicity? 
  • What is the geographical location of the participants? 

It aims to present how representative the sample is in the broader population. Additionally, it is crucial for generalising the results. For instance, if you don’t generalise findings for a large population, the real-world implications of your results seem impossible. Therefore, make sure that your survey design comprises enough demographic information. 

  1. Use Clear Data Labels and Headings

Using visual representations to present quantitative data makes it easier to understand. For instance, you may use pie graphs, histograms, or line charts to illustrate findings. Visual representations condense a large amount of information to communicate important points. 

In selecting the type of visual for your results, think of the purpose of the graph you are using. Afterwards, consider the possible variables and how to express them, such as percentages, frequency, etc. 

How To Format Your Data Labels In the Results Chapter? 

Formatting these data labels clearly with proper titles to avoid confusion is important. Below are the guidelines for formatting your info graphs in your psychology thesis. 

  • Try to keep the ideas of quantitative psychology dissertations simple and present only essential information. 
  • Don’t use three-dimensional bars or special effects, as it may confuse the reader. 
  • Write the title of the graphs to highlight the key point. 
  • Write different units of measurement on the graph axis. For instance, the sleeping hours of a child are to be placed on the x-axis and the corresponding academic performance on the y-axis. 
  • Remember each component of the chart. However, if it contains too much information then it requires expertise to label these parts of the chart. 
  1. Simplify Charts and Graphs

The data visuals are meant to simplify the complex information in quantitative psychology dissertations. What if the graphical information is more difficult to comprehend as compared to the textual information? It means that the purpose of using such visuals is not fulfilled. So you must ensure clarity by using an appropriate colour scheme, labelling both axes and providing the context. 

How To Enhance The Readability of Data Visuals? 

If you want to enhance the readability of data visual in your dissertation then consider the below-mentioned key tips. 

  • Remove the background colours of your chart to match it with the slide background. 
  • Avoid using duplicate labels. 
  • Keep the design minimal and remove borders in the chart element. It might be unnecessary and distracting. 
  • Only use colours to pop up the necessary data; otherwise, avoid it. 
  • The secondary data labels should be lightened in colour. 
  • If you want to trim the volume of your graphs, you can remove the y-axis label and label the bar directly. 
  1. Highlight Key Findings

The key findings are the most important and relevant results of your quantitative psychology dissertation work. It supports your purpose of writing a paper and addresses the main research question. Although all the findings are crucial for the researcher, pinpointing the key findings is also necessary. 

So, how can you highlight the key findings in your result section? Here are the necessary tips in this regard.  

  • Look for the results that best express the main concern. 
  • Highlight the keywords in your results chapter. 
  • Consider a colour coding scheme and use the same colour for writing your key findings. 
  • Highlight it in the margin or in a separate set of notes. 
  • Use headings or subheadings to align results by themes, variables or categories.  
  1. Provide Context and Interpretation

The context of the results is the circumstances under which an event took place. It provides a foundation for the clarity of your quantitative psychology dissertation research findings. Without providing proper contextual information, the findings may be ambiguous and may lead to inefficiencies. 

For instance, if you report that 70% of the students suffer from depression. This single statement is quite general and confusing. Therefore, it may raise several concerns for the reader, such as, 

  • Which class students participated in the experiment? 
  • What was their medical history? 
  • From which ethnic or racial group do they belong?

Therefore, you should not assume that the reader will understand everything on its own. Rather, provide proper explanation and interpretation for the clarity and effective communication of findings. 

  1. Test Your Hypotheses

Testing your hypothesis indicates the difference between groups or variables. Later on, it can be supported or rejected by the statistical test. Although it is an important part of quantitative results, all the studies will not involve hypotheses. 

The process used for testing the hypothesis in a quantitative psychology dissertation is given as, 

  • Highlight the null hypothesis for the experiment. 
  • Think of the relevant alternative hypothesis. 
  • Know the significance level. 
  • Calculate statistics and the p-value. 
  • Conclude out of it. 

How to Write A Quantitative Dissertation?

Writing a quantitative psychology dissertation can give researchers a hard time. It requires substantial research, dedication and organisation. Students who lack such expertise in writing their thesis can avail themselves of dissertation writing services in the UK to get customised solutions for their academic needs. However, if you intend to craft it on your own, even if there is a need for more knowledge, read the comprehensive guide below. 

  • Collect data via surveys or choose an appropriate data sampling technique. 
  • Analyse the data collected. 
  • Develop a research question that forms the basis for your entire research process. 
  • Write a quantitative psychology dissertation proposal to defend your stance. 
  • Elaborate on your research problem. 
  • Make an effective research plan. 
  • Construct an outline to ensure that the dissertation follows an appropriate pathway. 
  • Choose a research design, strategies and techniques. 
  • Write various dissertation chapters with keen attention. 
  • Send your paper for publication in the journal. 

How Many Pages Is A Quantitative Dissertation?

A quantitative dissertation length depends on the subject you are writing for or the nature of your project. For instance, for subjects such as psychology, physics, math, science, etc, a 100-150-page thesis is enough. However, for subjects like history, linguistics, art and literature, a 150-300+ page thesis is written. 

Quantitative Psychology Dissertation Topics

Quantitative psychology is a complicated yet sophisticated modelling of human behaviour. Such research activities are extremely rewarding but require hard work. Although you may choose any quantitative dissertation topic, in psychology, quantitative research covers mathematical aspects more than any other. 

The following list can help you to choose the one which is right for you. 

  1. What are the psychological factors that contribute to obesity in the developed countries? 
  2. Analyse the effect of music therapy on the emotional well-being of a depressed person. 
  3. How does cognitive behavioural theory help treat depression and anxiety? 
  4. Investigate the relation between academic performance and sleep duration of a child. 
  5. Investigate the role of quantitative methods to enhance the outcomes in sports psychology.
  6. A cross-cultural study to analyse the impact of gender stereotypes on the career aspiration of learners. 
  7. Investigate the relationship between socio-economic status and the mental health of an individual. 
  8. How effective is virtual reality therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders? 
  9. How can physical exercise affect the outcomes for the patient suffering from schizophrenia? 
  10. Analyse the role of social media in shaping beauty standards and causing body image dissatisfaction. 

Quantitative Psychology Dissertation Examples

The dissertation writing process can be muddy, especially if you are writing it for the first time in graduation. However, going through an example may make it easier and decrease the chances of making obvious errors. One of the examples given by the University of Oregon is displayed below. 

The introductory part of the paper is given here to get an idea about the topic. 


The quantitative psychology dissertation follows the systematic approach to add valuable knowledge to the literature. It involves gathering, analysing and interpreting data. Here, you collect measurable data and use statistical methods to generalise results. Researchers may find it difficult to collect the volume of data and interpret it appealingly in their thesis. 

The difficulty stems from subjectivity in data, sample size, ambiguous findings, and, most importantly, in expertise in writing. Therefore, such students prefer to pay for their dissertations to achieve perfection in their work. 

However, the article above may also assist you in writing the results in a visually appealing way. You may start by restating your research question and writing a short introduction to this chapter. Later on, simplify the data by structuring it in the infographic for easy comprehension. We have also given an example of a thesis whose results section is worth noticing for any researcher compiling results. 

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