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10 Most Important Web Hosting Terms You Must Know as a Beginner

10 Most Important Web Hosting Terms You Must Know as a Beginner

If you are new to the world of New Zealand Web Hosting, you may undoubtedly find several new terms you might be unfamiliar with. 

Web Hosting and Domain are the foundation of your website, and if you’ve just taken your website live or are planning to do so, understanding the critical web hosting terms is crucial. 

This also makes it essential to understand some basic terms of Web Hosting in NZ. So, without further delay, let’s learn the 10 essential website hosting terms in this article.

10 Most Important Web Hosting Terms You Must Know as a Beginner

  1. Web Hosting 

Let’s begin by understanding the concept of web hosting. Web hosting is the hosting service that hosts your website and applications online, making it accessible to users worldwide. 

You can select from the various hosting options available according to your unique needs and budget.

  1. Hosting Providers

Hosting providers are those people who provide you with different kinds of web/ website hosting plans and web servers where you can store the website data, such as media, configuration settings, files, and more.

  1. Domain 

A domain name is just like a home address of your website. It is a unique web address. 

If typed by a user on a search engine, it will direct them to its associated website, webpage, or content. 

  1. Uptime

Uptime refers to the percentage of time accessible to the users whenever the users try to access the websites. 

Higher uptime guarantees higher SEO ranking and user experience. 

  1. Shared Hosting 

Shared hosting refers to the type of hosting where multiple websites share the same server and resources. 

It is one of the most basic and affordable hosting options, which is good for beginners and small businesses.

  1. VPS Hosting 

It is one of the popular hosting options among businesses that want affordable hosting. 

It works in the virtualization technology that divides a single server into multiple virtual servers with dedicated resources. 

  1. Dedicated Server

A dedicated server refers to a web hosting server exclusively dedicated to single individuals and organizations—without the need to share the hosting space or resources with other websites. 

It means the complete hosting resources will be utilized to host your website or application.

  1. Reseller Hosting 

Reseller hosting is a type of hosting in which host resellers buy the reseller hosting plans from the parent web hosting company to resell them to the end clients by adding their profit.

  1. SSL Certificates

SSL certificates stand on Secure Socket Layer, a security technology that helps encrypt the link between a server and a client. 

It helps to keep your data secure by verifying your website ownership, preventing you from various cyber attacks, and helping to gain user trust.

  1. Control Panels 

Control panels are web-based interfaces such as cPanel or Plesk provided by the hosting providers that allow you to streamline and manage the various hosting tasks.


These are some of the common terms that can help you to understand the domain and hosting services in a better way. 

Remember, the proper and appropriate knowledge of various digital terms will help you to succeed in this futuristic online world. Keep learning and keep growing. 

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