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Why Nigerians Need a Female President

Nigerians should start to think of having a female president for our country in the nearest future.

This is because from all indices, which are available to the public, it seems our male leaders have failed the country.

Nigeria, with an estimated population of 180 million people, spread across 35 states and Abuja and 774 local government areas, is a big attraction to local and foreign investors. It is a big and potentially booming market.

But, regrettably, since 1960, when the country became an independent nation, records shows that 80% of Nigerians, especially in the rural areas are living in abject poverty, while less than 10% are swimming in wealth.

My intention here is not to rubbish my beloved country in this article. Far from it. But, in truth, corruption, poverty, lack of social amenities, etc, are some of the challenges Nigeria is presently going through.

This is the reason why I endorse the recent moves by WARDC and Voices-4-change to groom female students from tertiary institutions in Nigeria for political positions in future.

This may sound like a promotional article for the two non-governmental organizations. But, in reality, it is not.

We must drum up supports for a female president in Nigeria, since our male leaders seem to have failed us.

I stand to be corrected; women are open, transparent, sincere and honest in their dealings with themselves and others.

The likes of Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian former minister of finance comes to mind here.

Contrary to what some of her critics say, she performed creditably to fix the economy of Nigeria.

If a woman is elected president in 2019, I am optimistic that she will clean-up Nigeria of corruption, fix the economy and deliver democracy dividends to ordinary Nigerians at the grassroots.

Recently, Women Advocates Research and Documentation Center, (WARDC) and Voices-4-Change, held a 3-day retreat for young women from tertiary institutions in Lagos state, south-west Nigeria.

Dr Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi, executive director, WARDC, disclosed that it is unfortunate to note that in Nigeria, women are made up about 50 percent of the estimated 180million people.

According to her, regrettably Nigerian women are presently occupying less than 10% of political positions and offices across the three tiers of government in the country.

Dr Akiyode-Afolabi however disclosed that her non-governmental organization with supports from Voices-4-Change, have vowed to groom women to rise beyond the various obstacles posed by culture and economy which has prevented them from vying for political positions at the local, state and federal levels.

This is true even as Nigerian president, Muhammed Buhari is wagging an anti-corruption war, where monies, running into millions of naira have been collected from suspected looters of our collective treasuries.

After Buhari, Nigerians should think of voting a woman to rule the country in 2019. This is my take on this issue.

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