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Real Users Profit Instruments Review – Can Profit Instruments Deliver The Goods?

Profit Instruments is the affiliate marketing course by Ritoban Chakrabarti.

Inside Profit Instruments is a detailed blueprint on how to become a successful affiliate marketer.

The blueprint is very detailed and thorough and contains a total of seven modules. Inside each module is a series of videos and pdf documents for you to study.

The blueprint itself is a well structured program that has been created with the new marketer in mind.

You can learn a great deal from the course if you are new to marketing and looking to get your first blog online and make your first commission.

I was specifically drawn into Ritobans formula for assessing the product to promote (the profit instruments) and assessing the level of competition for the that PNK (product name keyword.

The course includes a total of seven modules, including:

Module 1 – Introduction, Explanation of a “PNK” (product name keyword) and market research.

Module 2 – Source Selection, this is where you’ll learn about sourcing products to sell and Ritobans “Formula”. A variety of techniques are included, such as ClickBank, CPA networks, Amazon e.t.c

Module 3 – This is where you’ll start to create your site based around your research and product selection..

Module 4 – This is where you’ll now promote your profit instrument and optimize it for the search engines.

Module 5 – Further optimization of your profit instrument! There are some really cool tips here for both newcomers and more advanced marketers.

Module 6 – This module is titled “Expansion”. This is where you will learn to dominate and grow your empire using PPC and media buying.

Module 7 – Wrapping it up. In this final module you will learn some of Ritoban’s quickfire income techniques. Including competing in product launches for big paydays.

There’s quite a lot of content to get through in the entire course. But if you follow along and implement what Ritoban teaches, then you’ll see results.

I don’t recommend this course for more experienced marketers as you may find it a little slow. Although I found there to be some really good tips on market research and conversions.

Ritoban has created an entire formula for calculating whether or not your profit instrument is worth building a campaign around.

I have to say the formula and theory behind it are quite unique and after testing the formula, it certainly is a good guideline for assessing your potential campaign.

Profit Instruments offers no “get rich quick” method, unlike many products in today’s market.

The course will require you take action and implement what is taught. But the content within the course is solid and will certainly help any newcomer to internet marketing get a good head start in the affiliate marketing game.

Overall, I would say that there are many similar courses, but Ritoban has created something quite unique and added some special content in the form of his bizarre but wonderful formula and conversion tactics.

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