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Network Technology from Generation to Generation

Network Technology Like humans, cell phone service networks exist in the form of generations. Each generation of technology will be the primary basis of service.


Lopa J. Vora wrote in his article titled ‘Evolution of Mobile Generation Technology: 1G to 5G and Review of Upcoming Wireless Technology 5G’ that ‘generation’ refers to the system, speed, technology, frequency, data capacity, latency, and so on in a network.

Each generation of technology has different standards, capabilities, techniques, and features.

We all know the 4G network.

4G is a network that is currently rife. The OpenSignal report until May 1, 2019, noted 4G network coverage in Indonesia had reached 83.5 percent.

The report also shows 4G network availability figures from five of Indonesia’s largest operators, namely Indosat, XL, Telkomsel, Smartfren, and Tri. Recorded, Smartfren won a score of 95.8 percent.

4G was born in March 2009 after the ITU Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R) specified the 4G standard under the name IMT-Advanced.

It says how the maximum speed of 4G is 100 Mbps in fast-moving conditions and 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) in stable terms.

4G is capable of managing up to 100,000 devices in one square kilometer.

4G then has two different standards.

One called Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax) published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) 802.16 and another named Long Term Evolution (LTE) issued by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

WiMAX Forum Vice President Mohammad Shakouri said WiMAX provided internet speeds of 30 to 40 Mbps. In 2011, rates increased to 1 Gbps.

WiMAX has a variety of uses, one of which is providing mobile broadband connections to all parts of the country through a range of transmitters named subscriber stations (SS).


HTC became the first cellphone manufacturer to produce a cellphone that supports WiMAX called Max 4G in 2008.

In 2011, the cell got a development with the name EVO 4G and was provided with its partner Sprint Nextel.


  • In Indonesia, WiMAX entered in 2008 in the form of an operator named Sitra WiMAX. Sitra is a trademark produced by PT. First Media Tbk.
  • And provide the first 4G broadband service in Indonesia. Sitra has Jabodetabek, Banten, North Sumatra, and Aceh coverage.
  • Sitra WiMAX’s existence vanished in 2013 and then changed to LTE technology.


The first LTE standard was finalized in December 2008 and its first public service in 2009 in Oslo and Stockholm. The first LTE was introduced as a data connection using a USB modem.

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