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Today News

India, China, and the Western World – Emerging Opportunities

India has emerged as one of the cultural and economic hotspots of the 21st century. The country has become a major competence centre in fields as varied as IT, media, engineering and the entertainment industry. Take a chance to immerse yourself in one of the most captivating societies in our globalising world and witness one of the oldest, and at the same time most forward-looking, cultures. Many who come to try living in India for a short while stay back, hooked to the culture.

China has captivated the minds of people around the world since thousands of years. There has always been a mix of awe and fascination for everything Chinese. In recent decades, China has been widely acknowledged as a global powerhouse, from cultural exports to business prowess, from the fine arts to technology. Chinese organisations have long understood that having the cultural counterparts of their clients and partners working alongside them reduces cultural mishaps and enhances the effectiveness of their work. China is an excellent country to advance professionally.

The Western world has been the leading force in the globalisation of economies around the world since the last several centuries. Accordingly, many cultural influences from all over the world have entered the Western mainstream and led to a unique fusion, which widely contributed to its wealth. However, the developed Western economies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire enough skilled labour. They are also in dire need of culture-savvy and multilingual talent to tap into the expanding global markets. Opportunities for people of other cultural backgrounds are emerging correspondingly.

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