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How To Transfer Your Domain Name?

How to Transfer a Domain Name with Zero Downtime — Nick Janetakis

Transferring Domain Names seems a complex task for many people. But sometimes, when you need more security, are unsatisfied with your current domain name registrar, or want to sell your domain name to another, it will become essential to transfer your domain name. 

In this article, we will learn what domain transfer is and how you can transfer your domain name from one registrar or domain and web hosting provider to another.

What Is A Domain Transfer?

Domain transferring is switching your domain name from one registrar to another. After a transfer, the new registrar will keep all necessary information about the domain and the registrant. 

A domain transfer is different from migrating/copying your entire website and moving it to the servers of your new hosts, as a domain transfer process doesn’t affect the content of your website. 

So, when you request a Domain Transfer, it does not automatically set up new hosting for your site and retains your website’s original data.  

How To Transfer A Domain Name?

Step 1: Check Domain Eligibility

Before domain name transfer, you must ensure that your domain name is eligible to transfer, as some domain extensions (such may have transfer limitations. And the other requirements according to ICANN rules are:

  • It must be at least 60 days.
  • Not have been transferred to any other registrar within the last 60 days.
  • It must not be in a locked or on-hold status.
  • And it must be in good standing and not be expired.

And also, update your contact information at both the time when you leave the registrar and to your new DNS registrar provider.

Step 2: Obtain Your Authorisation Code

After that, you have to get the authorisation code, known as EPP CODE, from your current registrar to evaluate the security. 

It ensures that only authorised individuals can transfer the domain name. You can typically find this code in your account settings or by contacting your current registrar.

Step 3: Create An Account With A New Registrar

Once you get the authorisation code, the next step is to choose the new registrar and create an account over it. 

Next, locate its transfer service page and enter the domain name you want to transfer. The “www” is not required; provide the name of your domain and its suffix (for example, .com, .org, .info, etc.).

Step 4: Initiate Transfer

Once you have made the account on your registrar, you must enter the authorisation code provided by a previous register. 

Then, you will be contacted by your previous registrant and new provider through email to confirm your contact information and officially approve the transfer. It is accomplished by clicking a link in the email or answering with a confirmation code. 

Step 5: Hold off until the transfer is finished.

After that, wait for completing the transfer process, which generally can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the registrars—once completed. 

Then, finally, you have to pay for your domain name transfer.

Step 6: Update DNS Settings

Lastly, change your DNS settings to point to your new web host, which involves changing the nameservers for your domain name by using your registrar’s control panel or contacting customer service. 

But it is advisable to deactivate your account only when your new account is active, and your domain has been properly transferred.


You can easily transfer their business domain name with the proper research and little patience. 

But, of course, you must follow the steps mentioned above carefully and provide the correct information along the domain transfer process. And when done right, it will not make any difference to the visitors.

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