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Hindrances to Achieving Personal Life Balance!

What holds you back from work/life balance? There are many things if you’re like me.

I just listened to a great webinar on the OnPurpose Leader where Kevin McCarthy shared his insights from a survey where he asked 550 small business owners what their greatest obstacles to success were? He came up with this list by percentage?

  1. 33% say Time Management
  2. 28% say ME
  3. 22% say Fear
  4. 8% say Business Issues
  5. 6% say Money
  6. 4% say Other

What would you say? What are those obstacles that hold back your ability to achieve success?

And, frankly this has a lot to do with how you define success doesn’t it? Because at the end of the day we all move toward our definition of success. So what holds you back from success depends upon what success means to YOU.

I’ve concluded that many in the culture and media define success as power, prosperity, position, prestige and/or pleasure. How about you?

I’ve interviewed hundreds of leaders all around the world on success and how they would define it at the end of their lives. None of them referred to the 5 P’s mentioned above. They all said what you would probably say – how did my kids turn out, what kind of relationship did I have with my spouse, friends, colleagues, did I make a difference and maximize my life, was I successful in ALL areas of life – faith, fitness, family, friends, finances, firm (business), fun (entertainment and re-creation) and favor (giving back).

The bottom life is are you living a life of contribution and positive impact and are you living a complete, integrated, balanced life? Are you achieving life balance?

It starts with some personal assessment like the one referred to above. So, what about you? Maybe you have other areas that hold you back. What are they? Try to come up with a list and let me know your insights?

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